Sunday 19 April 2015

Vacation is a Must!

This video was taken by me in my last vacation to Georgia , it was an amazing vacation and unforgettable one , view of the black sea and a walk into the the woods with my family with the  the birds whistles  and gentle  wind. i defiantly needed that because i went through some really difficult and stressing time. 

when it comes to vacations and traveling around the world , its defiantly one of my favorite hobbies, but of course i can't do it regularly because of how life and things keeping us busy. but still whenever i get the chance to do the one thing i love the most , I take it and pack my bag to leave!

in my opinion traveling to new places and exploring feeds the imagination and develop the creative thinking. 

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nature always brings peace of mind and relaxation, it stress free's  you. 
fresh air and a walk into the green with good view and great company is all you need , it's simply perfection. 

everyone needs a vacation, you need to take a break to breathe and award yourself. plan a trip with your family or friends, give your mind a break from all the thoughts and concerns, trust me you will feel light and happy.

take a back bag and a camera and roam around, explore, expand your imagination and release the negative energy from your soul.  

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