Saturday 21 March 2015

Studying stress.

it's about time for any student to face this HELL! 
its exams and projects week  ,  too much stress. can not think of anything else or do anything but exams exams exams ! 

and if that isn't enough , then comes  assignments and projects.
what can a poor stressed student like me do about it, how can he/she have a good break and quality time off all this studying mess , how can we take that panic , tension and ,fear of exams out and off our minds and most importantly , how can we study better?!

here's some tips I definitely apply to run away from all this stress and help me do better in my exams:

_ Find yourself a quiet place to study, not just quiet because you might get really bored and annoyed from that place , so try to find a place where you feel comfortable being in doing nothing. like for example; ask yourself where do I like to go to just think or sit alone for hours? ; could be by the beach or in a park or even in your house backyard. it doesn't matter where , as long as you're studying in a place  you love to be in ; that will help you in studying with focus , and you won't get bored easily doing it.

_take some snacks with you or something to drink like coffee , it makes studying more fun.  chocolate is a good option to improve your brain activity and sense of receiving information , but make sure you don't have too much of that.

_have a lot of water,  I always do that when I am stressed, it kind of refresh you from the inside and make you calm.
_ give yourself a break to just breathe after at least one hour of studying. after all we don't have a brain of a robot.  don't overload your brain with too much information. let it breathe! you can have a walk for 5 minutes , that would be good.

_ To be stress-free from exams , make sure you start way before your exam date. the tension will be definitely less and you will feel better about yourself and the subject in hand because you won't have that fight with your brain and panic (I don't have much time to study )!!.

_ don't study after pm. make night time the time you dedicate for yourself only. you don't have to sleep so early  but it would be nice to lay on the sofa after studying and watch a good movie or have a nice talk with family. in that way , you will feel less stressed and  worried about the exams .

these are some tips I follow when  I'm having exams. works with me, hope it does with you too. 

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