Sunday 22 March 2015

the Perfect weekend

You probably had a hectic week
its weekend and you're wondering what to do or where to go too and with whom!?
of course weekend is the time we spend with our families and its the perfect time to relax and rest. 

as for the perfect places to spend some quality time with family,

 I advice :

1- going to the park , its the perfect place to go too with your family in morning or afternoon time. you can also take breakfast or lunch with you , it would make the picnic more fun; it will also make you catch up what you missed from family news during the busy working week , by having really deep and good conversations with family members in open air and lovely weather. 
you can also create that father son/daughter relationship by playing around with them or teaching them some new games. 

2- have a walk around the city. remember, walking is really good for your blood circulation.  breathe some fresh air and walk around with your family , you can check around for new shops or new restaurants.  you can even make your family happy by inviting them for some delicious ice cream!

3- go on trips , plan for it by choosing a nice place with great landscapes , suitable and perfect  for  family activities . a place where your family can walk and play around freely . Do BBQ in open air and maybe camping, why not!
these are just some ideas which I think really don't cost much , but makes you relax and  have a lot of fun with the whole family.

so forget about everything else and just enjoy your weekend!

Saturday 21 March 2015

Studying stress.

it's about time for any student to face this HELL! 
its exams and projects week  ,  too much stress. can not think of anything else or do anything but exams exams exams ! 

and if that isn't enough , then comes  assignments and projects.
what can a poor stressed student like me do about it, how can he/she have a good break and quality time off all this studying mess , how can we take that panic , tension and ,fear of exams out and off our minds and most importantly , how can we study better?!

here's some tips I definitely apply to run away from all this stress and help me do better in my exams:

_ Find yourself a quiet place to study, not just quiet because you might get really bored and annoyed from that place , so try to find a place where you feel comfortable being in doing nothing. like for example; ask yourself where do I like to go to just think or sit alone for hours? ; could be by the beach or in a park or even in your house backyard. it doesn't matter where , as long as you're studying in a place  you love to be in ; that will help you in studying with focus , and you won't get bored easily doing it.

_take some snacks with you or something to drink like coffee , it makes studying more fun.  chocolate is a good option to improve your brain activity and sense of receiving information , but make sure you don't have too much of that.

_have a lot of water,  I always do that when I am stressed, it kind of refresh you from the inside and make you calm.
_ give yourself a break to just breathe after at least one hour of studying. after all we don't have a brain of a robot.  don't overload your brain with too much information. let it breathe! you can have a walk for 5 minutes , that would be good.

_ To be stress-free from exams , make sure you start way before your exam date. the tension will be definitely less and you will feel better about yourself and the subject in hand because you won't have that fight with your brain and panic (I don't have much time to study )!!.

_ don't study after pm. make night time the time you dedicate for yourself only. you don't have to sleep so early  but it would be nice to lay on the sofa after studying and watch a good movie or have a nice talk with family. in that way , you will feel less stressed and  worried about the exams .

these are some tips I follow when  I'm having exams. works with me, hope it does with you too. 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

hot drinks


its one of my favorite hot drinks (hot chocolate with marshmallow tops " melted  cloud on a brownish sky" !!

okay.. let's get to the point!

Do you know how good it is for your brain and body to have hot drinks?!
- Well, its the perfect thing to have after a long busy day. having something hot like coffee , tea or chocolate will definitely get you all together and give you that feeling of lightness and liveliness.
- It also gives you that feeling of coolness and warmth at the same time!, helping you to think slowly , Wisely and with ease.
- its funny how our bodies and brains react sometimes ! when you just finished your work, studies or whatever ; feeling too tired and the moment you jump on bed thinking you would just drown in dreams world; you actually find yourself staring at the roof or changing bed sides.
everyone has been through that, and I actually used to have those sleepless nights even though am so tired and needing some good sleep. anyhow! I decided to make my evenings/ nights as my time to try some different flavored tea!!!  

having hot drinks especially tea at night time before going to sleep is really good for your body , it kind of gives your brain and body  that message to just switch off and sleep like a little baby.
I've tried it and it definitely works with me every time. 

we all deserve good night sleep after a long busy day don't we?! so the best hot drink in my opinion is tea , its light , healthy , fast and easy to make especially chamomile tea.
_and one more thing, having hot drinks brings peace of mind. in that way you will do yourself and people around you a favor, it makes you see things around you in a more calm and understanding way. well I am saying that because I'm such a short tempered person , my friends knows that and I guess that's why they get me some hot drink before telling something really bad!.
make sure you have something hot to drink , if you could daily and if not then 3 to 5  times a week will do. you will definitely notice the difference.

Friday 13 March 2015

everyday stress ( want to run away)!

How can you run away from the daily pressure; work , school, family and lots of other daily hustles?!! 

well, you can't!   but here's three quick  tips you can follow while going through daily stress , especially if you don't have much time and living on speed doing your thing : 

  • always give your body a break! give yourself at least  five minutes a day to just deeply BREATHE!. it is a good way to take off the stress from your mind and body and helps you to forget whatever is bothering you for sometime.

  • give yourself some space from everything and everyone for some time. it helps you to organize your thoughts and its the best way to protect you from headache caused by the tension and stress of work , studies or personal problems.

  • focus on items, yes items! things around you , they don't have to look nice but focusing your eyes on something can take your  brain far from whatever is stressing you. you will find yourself in a different world , its just a perfect way to distract and cheat your mind for a short time .